2:00pm Doooooooooom........
1:45pm What is happening this very moment.Artix: Considering all of those engine changes, I am so glad we did not get any wierd last minute game crashing bugs!Zhoom: Artix, we found a wierd last minute game crashing bug.Artix: ....
1:14pm - Phone call from the #*Secret Lab:
12:45am - Launch time is coming fast... and we are still adding quests! (I am so glad we did not wait until the very last minute to do all of the important stuff) In unrelated news we are adding weapons and hair styles next.
12:17am Lost Server PosterLooking for missing "run away" server. Short, gray, slightly hyperactive. If found please return to Yulgar's shop, 1337 Battle Street, Battleon, LORE. Careful, he "bytes".
Noon - Sir Ver says, "
11:47pm The Translator/Producer from Thailand is working on some English translations for a new big Hotel that her friend is opening. This was a great chance to offer assistance! NL says, "?"Artix writes, "You are use toilet hand flush with paper for we are out and you are not want smell."(For posting above Kichen door)NL says, "You are so smart!"
11:20am Everyone's hometown is now set to "Portal." The cake is a lie!
11:20am Everyone's hometown is now set to "Portal." The cake is a lie!
10:30am Rolith added time to the top of the web page. Zhoom, Rolith, Lucien, J6 and Reens are all online and working in a chaotic flurry to get everything ready for today's Beta release. Wish us luck!
9:59am - Only12 Major things left to do before release. You can now use the news or the map to quick travel between Battleon and Swordhaven. All of the alpha content will still be available during this phase of Beta release. (So you can still use those Alpha Armor Tokens!)9:45am Probably a bad time to start doing this... adding the quests now!8:45am
7:30am The Secret Underground lab powers up. A few warning lights are all blinky. Something about core reactor overload, imminent.. blah, blah, explosion, blah blah... eh, probably not important.
6:30am What a beautiful sunrise. It is a good day for Adventure!
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